Your Home Away From Home

Calgary (Panorama Hills)

홈스테이 캐나다, Calgary

We are a multi-cultural family that has travelled and lived in 29 countries, before settling here in Calgary. We have always hosted friends and families who want to see Calgary, and we are people persons!
We have been to England, France, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Spain, USA, Mexico, Guatemala, The Philippines, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Dubai, Beirut, Jordan, Cypress, Turkey, and more!
We love food! We enjoy cooking at home for ourselves and for our friends.
We have done a lot: we started 13 companies in Asia, we are entrepreneurs. We worked with NGO's in Asia, and started LifeSkills as motivational speakers. We are a happy family, and we are great communicators.
Our household is myself and my husband, with our daughter (almost 11 years old, who is learning Mandarin) and my husband's mother who is a wonderful nurturing grandmother who is also a nutritional coach.
We share our home with our dogs who are very relaxed, and our cat who sleeps all day.
Our interests and hobbies include music (we have a piano, a cello, guitars and a violin in our music room), cooking, travelling, exploring the surrounding areas near Calgary. We are filmmakers, and our passion is documentaries: we love telling stories that challenge and inspire people.
Our rules are very simple: we are respectful of others, so we expect respect in return.
Why are we running a homestay? Well, we have always had people in our home over the years. We truly enjoy meeting people, and now that we have a daughter who will want to be an international student as well, we know that our family can provide a home that is safe and enjoyable-- the kind of home we hope our daughter will experience as well in her future.

호스트: Candace
  • 1명 6-12세
  • 호스트 비흡연
  • 집안내 애완동물(들) 거주
서비스 및 편의시설
  • 식사 포함여부: 아침, 점심, 저녁
  • 무선 광역 인터넷 (Wi-Fi)
  • 발코니나 마당과 같은 집 밖의 공간에서만 가능
  • Self service laundry included in fee (use of machine and detergent)
입주 정보
  • 1 침실, 1-2명 체류 가능
  • 이주를 원할 시 1달 사전 안내 요망

이 홈스테이에는 1개의 방이 있습니다

룸 No1: 2층이상

1-2명 체류 가능

입주 가능 날짜: 오늘


지금 당장 연락하기
  • 침대

    • 2 × 싱글침대
  • 욕실

    • 개인욕실 (침실 밖에 위치)
  • 가구

    • 책상 및 의자
    • 침대 옆 작은 테이블
    • 침실 잠금장치
    • 헤어 드라이어
    • 전신거울
    • 옷장
홈스테이 근처의 학교들

아래에 제시된 거리는 대략의 아이디어를 주기 위한것으로 정확한 정보는 홈스테이 가족에게 직접 문의하세요.

다른 홈스테이들도 둘러보고 싶으세요? 캘거리 지역 내 홈스테이 목록으로 되돌아가기.