Wing Tung

캘거리 내의 홈스테이 거주 희망

Hello! My name is Tiffany and I am a 23-year-old from Hong Kong. I will be arriving in Calgary on August 11, 2024, for a working holiday. I am a friendly and outgoing individual who enjoys meeting new people and experiencing different cultures. I am respectful, tidy, and easy-going, and I am excited to immerse myself in the Canadian way of life.

I am a non-smoker, don't have any pets, and prefer to stay in a pet-free environment.

- Wing Tung

거주 예상기간 월 예산 세부사항
8월 11일 일요일 - 미정 $650 CAD
식사제공 불필요
공항 마중 요망
애완동물 미선호 함
방문 목적: 워킹홀리데이
21-29세 사이 years of age