
Buscando una casa de familia en Calgary

Nice to meet you.
I am Shuri, 23 years old and I am from Tokyo, Japan.
I am planning to attend OHC language school for about 3 months from March 28th, so I am looking for a house to stay during that time.
I don't have any allergies and I have a dog in Japan, so I am fine with pets. I rather love them.
I would like to have meals served and would be grateful if I could do that and laundry at home.
If you would like, I would like you to send me your address and some pictures of your house.
I would be happy to meet a nice host family.
If you have any concerns about me, please send them to me.

- 河野

Fechas solicitadas Presupuesto mensual Perfil
domingo 11 ago a lunes 30 sep (7 semanas) $1000 CAD
Comidas solicitadas: Desayuno, Almuerzo, Cena
No Fuma
Propósito del viaje: programa de vacaciones de trabajo
Entre 21 y 29 años años
¿Este invitado no es el adecuado para tu hogar? Ver más huéspedes que buscan una casa de familia en Calgary.